キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月11日 20時59分

How many times have you started the practice only to fall off again? I meet so many people who commit to the practice and then life, work and general busy-ness gets the way. I go through periods of inspiration where I love my practice and other periods where it's just part of my daily ritual. But for me practice is like brushing my teeth, an integrated part of my day. Even if I'm rushed or pressed for time I always do it, even though it might not be amazing. I find the number one reason people fall off daily practice is the expectation that you have to do a full hour long yoga session to get any benefit. Really all it takes to maintain the continuity of your practice is to get on your mat every day, even if it's only for five minutes of sun salutations. Practice and keep practicing until it becomes so much a part of who you are that the option not to do it simply doesn't exist anymore. Then yoga will be your life path and fulfill the promise of a more peaceful life #onebreathatatime Photo by @travelats @yogaroomdubai Wearing: @ALO Yoga


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