Sometimes time, or maybe life, seems circular, like all the progress we appear to make on straight lines is really just another turn around the same center. We change our perspective but the core remains unchanged. Our view is linear, and yet, there are loops and folds contained within even the most narrow path. True change is rare, while the appearance of change is everywhere. Liberty, every being’s birthright, lives unvanquished in the heart and can never be governed by the laws of humans—it is so potent that it terrifies nearly everyone who tastes it. So, what then? What of us, the seekers, the yogis or the world? Well, we represent something dare I say revolutionary, a presence whose critical mass has the spark it takes to change the world. Make no mistake, yoga is not just lifting and bending on a sticky mat. Yoga is a quest for freedom, not only for oneself but for every being in the universe. If you call yourself a yogi, steady yourself, because you will need courage for the long and treacherous journey ahead. It will not be easy. You may be asked to sacrifice all that you know and all that you are. You will doubt, question, wander, sleep, fight, kick, scream and nearly quit. But if you are sincere in your heart, you cannot and will not ever give up. You will walk with determination, step by step. And when you cannot walk, you will crawl. When that too is impossible, others will step in and carry you and be your strength. When your strength has returned, you will rise, and run and jump and, yes, you will lift and carry others through their weakness. And together, as one body, we are the magical alchemy that has the power to transmute ordinary dirt into metal. We can shift the center of the circle of time, break the inertia of generations of suffering, aiming straight as an arrow for the pathway to liberation. But only if we keep practicing. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo @ifilmyoga ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月10日 07時06分

Sometimes time, or maybe life, seems circular, like all the progress we appear to make on straight lines is really just another turn around the same center. We change our perspective but the core remains unchanged. Our view is linear, and yet, there are loops and folds contained within even the most narrow path. True change is rare, while the appearance of change is everywhere. Liberty, every being’s birthright, lives unvanquished in the heart and can never be governed by the laws of humans—it is so potent that it terrifies nearly everyone who tastes it. So, what then? What of us, the seekers, the yogis or the world? Well, we represent something dare I say revolutionary, a presence whose critical mass has the spark it takes to change the world. Make no mistake, yoga is not just lifting and bending on a sticky mat. Yoga is a quest for freedom, not only for oneself but for every being in the universe. If you call yourself a yogi, steady yourself, because you will need courage for the long and treacherous journey ahead. It will not be easy. You may be asked to sacrifice all that you know and all that you are. You will doubt, question, wander, sleep, fight, kick, scream and nearly quit. But if you are sincere in your heart, you cannot and will not ever give up. You will walk with determination, step by step. And when you cannot walk, you will crawl. When that too is impossible, others will step in and carry you and be your strength. When your strength has returned, you will rise, and run and jump and, yes, you will lift and carry others through their weakness. And together, as one body, we are the magical alchemy that has the power to transmute ordinary dirt into metal. We can shift the center of the circle of time, break the inertia of generations of suffering, aiming straight as an arrow for the pathway to liberation. But only if we keep practicing.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @ifilmyoga ?


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