キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月10日 14時30分

Handstand in Bangkok. I just had to, couldn’t resist. Moments after this I was eating durian! There’s a part of me that doesn’t feel I’ve arrived in Thailand until I’ve had a coconut and a durian. Mission accomplished. Next task—workshop this weekend @aybkk Come practice Saturday and Sunday!
Please watch my stories for Indonesia earthquake updates and how you can help. If we do all these handstands and challenging poses it’s meant to make us strong enough to rise up together when needed. Calling all Bali yogis, traveling teachers who have stopped in Bali, surfers, tourists and ex-pats, you can help by sharing the story of the devastation in Indonesia and links for people to donate. The government doesn’t want to declare an official state of emergency bc it will negatively impact tourism. But hundreds of thousands of people are now homeless, living in tents and in need of relief aid. No need to travel to Indonesia and complicate things, through NGOs on site you can help. If you’re in Bali @radiantlyaliveyoga is accepting both cash and item donations (people who lost everything need clothes, sheets, toothpaste and basic living supplies). Any donation helps and every post helps spread the word. Do what you can ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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