キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月14日 03時10分

Sometimes there are no words. Sometimes there is only all the love in your heart.
Sometimes thank you isn’t enough, it’s like you just want to open up your heart and give a piece of yourself to express your gratitude.
Sometimes there is so much beauty in a simple moment that it catches you off guard and cracks your heart open. Let the tears come, let them roll off your cheeks like raindrops of the soul.
Sometimes it hits you, the raw vulnerability of every being, the basic yearning for love, the desire to be free from suffering, the emptiness of it all, the perfect balance between inhale and exhale, the sun, the moon, life and death.
Sometimes it’s all overwhelming and you just have to let it wash over you like a wave, and if you let yourself be carried by it you won’t drown, no, you’ll be lifted up.
Sometimes you get the sense that it’s not about you, that you play a part in a plan so big and grand that there’s no way you could have thought it all up.
Sometimes the sheer magnitude of it all, over generations and lifetimes, is both unbearable and exquisite all at the same time.
And sometimes you’re just here, with no filter, no mask, no pretending, just yourself and then you realize that is exactly who you were always meant to be.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @sigismondiphotography ?


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