キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月20日 04時17分

The romance of Paris is real. A city of intrigue and mystery, culture and style, full of emotions and dreams where every street is like a museum and every cafe is epicurean experience. As I walked down the stairs of the apartment I'm staying in today I was filled with a sense of history, the wood worn down from use over time, people walking up and down the same stairs. I come from a place where everything is new, born into a rootless world where the sands of time seemed to shift underneath me. The search for meaning is at the core of human identity and in some way I have always been searching for a way to make sense out of life. Telling the story of what is meaningful is a way to reclaim the narrative of your own life story. How you talk about your past shapes your future. If you want adventure in your life, then see every choice as a building block in your epic quest. If you want romance in your life, the learn how to fall in love with your life. If you want peace in your life, find a way to be still with yourself. The journey always begins with yourself. Wherever you are today ask yourself what you value and how your actions tell the story of meaning in your life. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga
Practice with me online www.omstars.com (link in bio)
@omstarsofficial ?


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