キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月21日 00時16分

Yoga is an inner state of being. It doesn't ever matter whether you put you leg behind your head. Don't judge yourself by what shape your body can and cannot make. After years of practice my hips are open, but still there are some days when I just can't. On those day I modify and back off. Yoga is about the attitude of patience and tolerance. Complete and radical acceptance of what is gives you an unshakable peace. If you force your body into a shape, one day it will break. Listen to the soft signs of your body speaking to you and respect the language of the body. This is yoga, a journey of awareness and feeling, a mind filled with respect and wisdom, and a heart filled with peace and love. Because really if we can't learn to be patient and kind to our own bodies how can we expect to bring peace and compassion to the world?
#ibelieveinlove ?

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