キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月16日 10時47分

How many times have you stuffed your feelings inside and made excuses for people? It's time to find your voice. Turn off the filters and just be yourself. Speak the truth with kindness and compassion. But tell no lies. Say things that are hard to say, things that scare you, things you'd rather stuff down and throw away. Say them all with love and light. Be gentle, be kind, first to yourself and then to others. But be strong enough to stand your ground. Breathe with a heart that needs no sacrifice from others in order to forgive. Practice. This is the real practice. Be flexible. In body sure, but in mind and soul and then you'll find there is space, so much space around you, in you, near you. And in that space is the glimmering heart of hope, like a beacon flashing out into the darkness.
I am grateful for every time I told the truth about something that scared me, every time I decided I would share some dark secret with another, every time I laid my soul bare and vulnerable. It only brought me closer to truth, closer to someone else, closer to love. What truth do you carry inside of you that needs to be spoken out and shared today?
Day 16 #thegratitudechallenge
Check in with @beachyogagirl for her post today. Use coupon code "kinoyoga" for $10 off our awesome @yogaprowheel ⚡️
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?
Next workshop: this weekend in Puerto Vallarta ⚡️


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