キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月15日 06時06分

The thing is, we all believe somewhere inside that what we are doing is right, even in moments when we are wrong. We stumble, we fall, we make mistakes, we tune out when we should tune in. What matters isn't getting it right or being perfect. What matters is having the grace to admit your mistakes and the grit to get back up and try again, rise up again, stronger, brighter and full of stubborn hope.
Close your eyes, tune in to a quiet place of wisdom, and dare to dream your dream. This is your world, your voice, and every single second matters. Every action is a chance to start anew. Every choice is filled with meaning and responsibility.
Let me live for one more moment in the dream of love so I can wake up filled with its greatness and devote my life to making it real. Let me be filled with idealism and inspiration and never flame out or go dull. Let me stay to fight the good fight and not cower down in the corner of fear. Let me stand tall in the face of adversity with a humble heart and claim the ground of freedom. Let me stare down fear and injustice with purity and truth. I will not go quietly into that good night. I will not be silenced. I will never give up. I will dream. I will shine. I will fly. ?
#nevergiveup ?
Photo by @danidevaux


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