キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月18日 11時54分

I am so thankful to each of you for hearing me. Your response to my last post fills me renewed faith and inspiration. Thank you. I've read every comment and have to say that you are all so awesome. I love you all. ?
I am also so thankful to be in beautiful sunny Puerto Vallarta for the weekend teaching! Check stories for the beautiful sunset and a preview of some pics I took on the beach today. For details and info for classes here this weekend click the link in bio. ?
Day 18 #thegratitudechallenge
Go over and give my co-host @beachyogagirl some love on her post today. Use coupon code "kinoyoga" for $10 off our awesome @yogaprowheel ⚡️
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?


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