キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月17日 12時03分

Sometimes it's hard for me to remember to stop and appreciate all that I have. It's easy for me to focus on what I don't have and obsess about how I can get where I want to be or, worse, get jealous of others who are succeeding where I failed or am blocked. But gratitude, the actual practice of it, trains you to succeed. If you get to the state of loving what you have and learn to appreciate all the things that are in your life right now, it's like an awakening. You realize that you don't need anything in order to be happy. You can stop chasing the paper dragon of success and just be yourself. What a relief. And you know what, the glass house of other people's lives looks beautiful until it comes crashing down all around them. Take time today to be grateful for who you are, for the love that is in your life right now, for the success (however big or small) that you have achieved. Just stop, appreciate it, celebrate and let it all in. Practice the attitude of gratitude and watch your world spin on its axis to a happy place. ?
Day 17 #thegratitudechallenge
Check in with @beachyogagirl for her post today. Use coupon code "kinoyoga" for $10 off our awesome @yogaprowheel ⚡️
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?
Next workshop: this weekend in Puerto Vallarta ⚡️


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