キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月19日 11時55分

Did you ever think your life would change when you started yoga? I never imagined that I'd change my diet, my sleeping patterns, my whole way of being really just from this practice. But then again I didn't really know what I was getting into, I just knew I wanted to live a more peaceful life and I wanted to do yoga. Today I am grateful for all the things I was strong enough to let go of. Crappy diet. Endless parties. Drugs. Unnecessary bitchiness, entitlement and attitude. Unhealthy emotions and co-dependencies. Self-delusions and narcissistic grandeur. Unconsciousness. Staying up until sunrise. Not sleeping for days. Rampant consumerism. Self-pity. Depression. Thanks for teaching me what I needed to learn. How about you? What are you thankful to let go of in service of yoga? ?
Day 19 #thegratitudechallenge
Check in with @beachyogagirl for her post today. Use coupon code "kinoyoga" for $10 off our awesome @yogaprowheel ⚡️
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?


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