キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月23日 19時07分

Emotions get stored up in the body if you don't let then out and process them. Grievances, hurt feelings, resentments, grudges all eat away at you the inside out. Yoga may sometimes be unnerving, it may bring up tears, painful thoughts, heaviness that you'd rather just not look at. But there is actually no escape from the scary emotional places within us. The only way out is through. Today's #YogiAssignment is Emotions. Are you an emotional stuffer? Do keep things locked inside until they burst? Just for today see if it's possible to feel everything. Just for today see if it's possible to make peace with whatever emotions arise. Just for today give ourself permission to feel whatever you feel, free from judgment, or any need to hold it all together. Emotions only linger when we feed, fuel or fight them. Feel them for what they are, clouds passing through the great expanse of the sky-like nature of mind and you are already free. Cultivate equanimity and experience every emotion with strength and grace. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @karen_yeomans


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