キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月9日 20時54分

You are who you were meant to be. You are exactly where you need to be doing exactly what you need to be doing. Every single event in your life is unfolding for a divine purpose. You are worthy of love and greatness. Don't force it or rush it. Give your soul permission to shine brighter than a thousand suns and the world will have no choice but to celebrate your beauty. I believe that truth and goodness always win out in the long run, that a kind word spoken from the heart can heal years of bitterness, and that life is a precious gift to be relished and enjoyed with your whole heart. Today's #YogiAssignment is Purpose. Live every moment of your life on purpose, with purpose and for a deeper purpose. Look for the magic in every breath, the spark of sunshine hidden in every cloud, the secret message of every flower. Ask yourself what drives you and motivates you. If you accept that your life is divine mission, what is that mission? What is your purpose? Why are you here? Life is unfolding through you each moment. Play a conscious role in every decision and choose love, kindness, truth and compassion. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? Tune in to @キノ・マクレガ― Periscope for live chats and practice.


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