キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月9日 03時32分

Don't hate me because I love girlie things. I get on my mat every day, I dive right into the sweaty Ashtanga practice. I work on all levels of asana, from the basic to the advanced. I read the spiritual texts and spend time in meditation every day and drink lots of green juice. Some people would say that makes me a good yogi. But I also love girlie (and somewhat material) things like perfume, hair style, make-up, jewelry, fashion, all of which I do my best to do responsibly. And some people would say that makes me a bad yogi. I see that it makes me exactly who I am. Human, complete with seemingly opposite and contradictory points of view. Self worth doesn't come from any physical attribute, yoga pose or anything outside of the soul. No one gets to tell you what is authentic for you, no one gets to tell you what it means to be a yogi, or anything else. Authenticity is between you and your spirit, hangs in the balance beyond the physical world, is tied to the divine spark of the inner being, and that being is divine and limitless in nature, undefined by our customs and dogmas, our spirit is free to break all the rules. #befree #onebreathatatime Hair style by @audraww @seandonaldsonhair


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