キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月28日 22時24分

Your life can change in an instant. And if does all that matters is the love you share. Not the clothes you wear, not the silly dramas that distract us, not the material worries. Nothing but the love we share survives us beyond this transitory world. Each day is a blessing, each breath is a receiving, each moment an opportunity to share more love. Live your life like every breath counts because it does. Let go of the drama, old grudges, anger, unhappiness, unworthiness, unjustified entitlement. Let go of everything that's keeping you away from your true self, from a direct experience of the expansive beauty of the divine that sits in your heart waiting for you to drop down and listen. Close your eyes, be still and let that stillness speak you to of the incontrovertible truth of your inner being. Be still in the knowledge that you are whole, you are loved, you are worthy and you are a child of God. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Wearing @ALO Yoga


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