キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月13日 02時17分

Sometimes I think yoga really is just there like a dress rehearsal for difficult situations in your life. It's kind of like a simulator for how you respond to stress and difficulty. This morning was one morning where I am thankful for the practice. Woke up at 4:30 am with Asian jet lag, no hope of getting back to sleep, bad dreams for the few hours I did sleep, a gastro drama brewing in my stomach, my husbands Danish family arrived the night before, the dishwasher broken and a pile of dishes overflowing the sink (perfect for out-of-the-country house guests), our inside cat fighting with the outside cat, my check in details malfunctioning for my flight to Charlotte tomorrow and let's not even talk about my nails which are screaming for a manicure. My response: remain equanimous, breathe and remain peaceful. It works. Repair man is scheduled for tomorrow, dishes are washed and dried and put away, I'm checked in for Charlotte, my nails are even done, and more importantly everyone (including me) is happy. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo taken in Hong Kong by @michalgarciaisawesome from @theanello Wearing @ALO Yoga


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