キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月11日 23時05分

What do you do when you meet an obstacle in your life? If you fight back too hard it often gets worse. If you quit and give up you often feel deflated. It can feel like choosing between two bad options. Choose a third option, walk the middle path between the extremes and surrender into the divine plan. Don't waste another moment of your life stressing out over things you have no power to change. Don't spend the precious moments of your life worrying about things that are beyond your control. Have faith in your own basic goodness and trust the universe to provide for you. Don't worry, be happy. ? #onebreathatatime Purple haze necklace by @avignayogajewelry Beaded bracelets from my Kino Yoga collection by @omishadesigns


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