キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月8日 07時41分

We spend so much of our lives fighting, whether we are fighting for things we believe in or against things that we disagree with. The pattern of aggression is so deeply entrenched within the fabric of our body and mind that it often runs of autopilot. Think about the multitude of self directed negative thoughts that cross your mind each day or the last time you spoke snapped at someone you love. Hate only generates more hate, fighting harder only generates more fighting. Yoga is a science of inner realization, a methodical retraining of the habit pattern of the mind to focus on the subtle sensations within, a path of freedom through direct experience of the true self. By retraining the mind to experience and identify with the truth of the higher self we get the confidence to drop the fight and surrender into the power of our own divinity. You cannot solve your problems by making more of them just like you cannot force your body to be more flexible. All you can do is drop the fight, regain your spiritual center, surrender into a power bigger and grander than yourself and receive the gift of peace and healing. Make your world a more peaceful place #OneBreathAtATime ? Photo by @alesigismondi from the cover of 2015 #YogaInspirationCalendar


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