キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月4日 23時12分

Sometimes in yoga your body will shake and tremble. This isn't a sign that you're doing something wrong, instead it can be evidence that you're working very deeply in the inner body. Shaking and trembling usually appear just at the outer edges on your physical or emotional comfort zone when you are about to experience a break through. Balance is fluid state of harmony that includes these small fluctuations around the center line. Everything in the material world is in constant flux. Even that which appears to be stopped is moving at some level. The only constant in the manifested world is change itself, the only permanence that exists is on the transcendent level of the soul. Don't try to hold onto anything in this world of mind and matter or you will suffer. Set your mind's point of attention to the deepest, changeless truth of the true self and let that be your guide through the journey of life. #BeStrong #onebreathatatime


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