キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月3日 16時06分

Astavakrasana was one of the first arm balances that I could do. But, just like everything in this practice, not on the first try. The asymmetrical distribution of weight showed me how much weaker left side was than my right. I fell on my chin the first time and had to pick myself back up and try again many times. It years before I could even imagine doing the traditional Ashtanga third series transitions, entering from headstand and jumping directly into it from downward dog. But now after 15 years of practice what was once impossible is now part of my daily practice. Yoga takes the impossible and slowly turns it into the possible and then over a lifetime of practice the possible becomes graceful and easy. What I love about yoga is how the lessons learned trough the tool of asana apply so perfectly to life learning. Live the yogi's life and take your strength into the world as compassion, forgiveness, tenacity and love.


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