キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月26日 23時57分

The miracle of Karandavasana fifteen years in the making happened today. I repeatedly it three times to be sure it wasn't a fluke. I know I didn't stay down for long, but my goodness does this feel like a break through. All I can say is never give up, no matter how long it takes. Shoulders, abs, technique, faith and patience are my keys here. To go up you have to go down without losing your up. Thank you @eddiestern for believing I could do this, thank you @timfeldmannyoga who first taught me how to send my pelvis forward while keeping the knees in this posture, thank you to @ricardostand whose handstand training is making me stronger than I ever though possible, and thank you to Guruji and Sharath who stopped helping me one day and opened the door to this possibility. Now I'll just need to work on staying down for one full minute and five repetitions like @ajaytokas What are you working on that you think it would take a miracle to accomplish?


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