キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月25日 23時57分

The new moon is a time of reflection, a time to take stock of all that you have done in the last month and plant the seeds of new intentions going forward. It's a time to forgive yourself and others so that you start fresh. The new moon is about rebirth, so take a step down the spiritual journey of yoga, meditate, turn your attention inwards and direct your life down the road of true awakening. My new moon intention is to release my need to control so that I may be open to receiving things bigger and grander than I can control or imagine. What's yours? Share it with me below or make a post that embodies it and hashtag #newmoonintentions Let's do this once a month and inspire eachother to be stronger, go deeper, dream bigger and love freely. For those that will ask, yes my jacket is vegan! I got it last year at H&M here in Denmark. Taken by me on my @gopro


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



