キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月19日 02時13分

Smile for no reason at all. Or smile because love is everywhere, in every moment, unfolding like a flower whose fragrance fills the room.
The promise of being human is a promise of awakening, one that you fulfill each time your heart sings in joyful recognition and glorious harmony with all that is. The vibrational oneness of the universe is itself the pulse of God and you, my dear, you are a vital part of the whole, so much so that if you were missing the whole world would be incomplete, yes, you matter that much.
If you close your eyes and drop down deep enough, I believe you’ll see what I’ve seen, and feel what I’ve felt, and that is the mystery of life itself, the veil between worlds pulled back to reveal the one eternal truth of all that is, in its state of is-ness, a stream of unrelenting well-being and blessing, Grace incarnate right in your heart.
So yes, smile.
Because your smile is the joy of the universe, the love of God.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime 🙏
Practice with me on @omstarsofficial
Outfit @liquidoactive
Photo @dtufino_photo 💗


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