キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月14日 03時32分

I’ve been feeling weak lately, physically and emotionally. My left shoulder has felt tweaked in a way that feels like I shouldn’t push. I’m listening to my own teaching and taking it easy. I’m hesitant to share about feeling possibly injured because the last time I did I got shamed and blamed for an injury sustained while teaching. I, along with the style of yoga I practice, was vilified and my own vulnerability and pain was weaponized against me. But I think all yoga teachers are hesitant to talk about pain, injury, hurt, whether physical or emotional. Many in the yoga world subscribe to a spiritual bypassing philosophy that all must be positive and when you share that you’re hurt, wounded or upset they tell you to stop being negative and just breathe out love. While I subscribe to the belief that how you think has the power to create worlds, I also believe that pulling the wool over your eyes and denying reality is a harmful delusion that leads to more pain. Take an injury—if you ignore the physical warning signs of possible damage and decide that you will just “think positive” and plough along, then you risk doing more damage. The only way forward out of pain is to first see clearly what’s hurt, to sit with it in all its pain, with a heart courageous enough to sit with discomfort. From that place of honesty, healing happens. The first noble truth of Buddhism admits that life contains suffering and then goes on to discuss the cause of suffering and the way out. But without the critical and necessary admission of suffering no positive steps forward can take place. You can’t jump in to loving-kindness meditation if you’re not willing to love all the hurt places that are in need of love and kindness. And that’s where I am right now. I feel weak, physically and emotionally. What’s true is that I’m wounded, physically and emotionally, and I’m healing, but the hardest step has been to drop down deep enough to realize just deep this wound has penetrated. 🙏


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