キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月16日 03時56分

I had a cavity. I hate cavities and wish they didn’t happen. I even feel guilty about it. I mean, I brush and floss, eat healthy and live as pure as possible, so where does the decay come from? It can feel like there’s some invisible force out there lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce.
If I could make one upgrade request to the human body it would be the ability to heal cavities and regrow teeth. There are of course miracle stories about people who have regrown a tooth, but I haven’t had any luck. I tried tapping/EFT, energy healing, oil pulling, dental healing music, positive affirmations, acupuncture, gum massage and I was still stuck in the dentist’s office today.
But really, it’s not that bad. Yeah, the left side of my tongue still feels paralyzed. And, I still have the tooth. Lying there helpless, nearly gagging on the dental equipment shoved into my gaping mouth I had this thought—
Even though I have this cavity I love and and accept myself completely.
Then a long exhale. And suddenly I realized there was a lot to be grateful about. First, I have dental insurance so at least it wasn’t a massive financial stress. That in an of itself is a huge privilege and worthy of a moment of gratitude. Second, I like my dentist. He’s nice and the office is as pleasurable as can be. Third, imagine the alternative, that the tooth just decays and rots until the only option is to have it pulled. Also, I’m thankful for the numbing bc I would not want to go through that procedure feeling it all. There’s a limit to how equanimous a person can be.
Then my mind drifted towards loving kindness directed at all other people with cavities (apparently that means 91% of people between 30-91 years old), that we might all be at peace, and our teeth restored. And then to all dentists and dental researches, that they might be guided to the next level of tooth regeneration and cavity treatment and prevention.
I got up with a little less of my tooth and a heart filled with love. And I also went home and collapsed on the sofa until I could feel my tongue again. 🙏


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