キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月27日 00時44分

Did you practice today? I did and I’m grateful for it. Every practice is a good practice. Just being on the mat is enough to make it good. You don’t have to push yourself to the point of fatigue in order to have a good practice. You don’t have to do crazy handstands or backbends, you just have to practice. Trust that it’s enough to move you just that little bit further on the inner journey. I know it can be frustrating sometimes to play the comparison game. I know it can often feel like you’re not making any progress. And I know all too well the feeling of being defeated and wanting to quit. But, let me remind you to have faith. You don’t need faith so big that you have to do it all in one go. You just need about faith to get on your mat once a day, for as Keats five minutes, for many years. Just keep practicing. Don’t give up. The promise of this practice is a life of inner peace. And that promise is made true by one thing, and one thing alone—you just have to keep practicing.
Day 26 #30dayyogajourney is Ardha Matysendrasana with @yogisoli on @omstarsofficial You can still join!!
Sign up here (link in bio too)—
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo by @ifilmyoga .


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