I found a sunny spot and I met a bonafide flat-earther today, both could be considered rare in Denmark. If you don’t know what a “flat-earther” is, it’s someone who believes sincerely that the Earth is flat. They often declare that declare the Earth to be flat, unmoving, young (only 13,500 years of age), and the centre of the universe and stand against most modern science. I met the flat-earther today while buying a freshly squeezed orange juice. As he was preparing the juice he told me and Tim at length about how he spent years trying to prove that the Earth is a sphere only to fail while a friend of his managed to prove the Earth is flat. He converted both to being flat-earther paradigm and some other religious literalism that we luckily didn’t get too deeply into. _ It seems like so many things that in another era would be considered unarguable facts are now being called into question. It’s like truth starts to be selective instead of objective. As you can probably hear, I am a sphere-earther. I believe in the solar system with the sun at its center and all the stuff that is generally taught in an average science class. _ The thing that struck me was while all this was going on a bunch of hornets gathered and one landed in the juice he was making for me. He got mad, cursed and said he had to throw it out. I said, no it’s ok, just set the poor creature free and I’ll still drink the juice (I’d hate to waste a perfectly good glass of fresh OJ just bc a bug landed on it for a second). He gave me a discount and told me he would have killed the bug if I hadn’t been standing there. It made me think about how our beliefs impact the quality of our life. If what you think about the universe gives you peace and creates a life filled with love and kindness, then in my opinion it leads you down a road I’d like to go on. But if how you think generates animosity, fear, anxiety, or other states, then it’s not a road I desire to go on. I didn’t bother debating this guy about science bc I was honestly just interested to hear his story. I thanked him for an awesome juice. Strange thing happened: when I went back to buy another juice, his stand was gone, like he had vanished.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月15日 05時06分

I found a sunny spot and I met a bonafide flat-earther today, both could be considered rare in Denmark. If you don’t know what a “flat-earther” is, it’s someone who believes sincerely that the Earth is flat. They often declare that declare the Earth to be flat, unmoving, young (only 13,500 years of age), and the centre of the universe and stand against most modern science. I met the flat-earther today while buying a freshly squeezed orange juice. As he was preparing the juice he told me and Tim at length about how he spent years trying to prove that the Earth is a sphere only to fail while a friend of his managed to prove the Earth is flat. He converted both to being flat-earther paradigm and some other religious literalism that we luckily didn’t get too deeply into.
It seems like so many things that in another era would be considered unarguable facts are now being called into question. It’s like truth starts to be selective instead of objective. As you can probably hear, I am a sphere-earther. I believe in the solar system with the sun at its center and all the stuff that is generally taught in an average science class.
The thing that struck me was while all this was going on a bunch of hornets gathered and one landed in the juice he was making for me. He got mad, cursed and said he had to throw it out. I said, no it’s ok, just set the poor creature free and I’ll still drink the juice (I’d hate to waste a perfectly good glass of fresh OJ just bc a bug landed on it for a second). He gave me a discount and told me he would have killed the bug if I hadn’t been standing there. It made me think about how our beliefs impact the quality of our life. If what you think about the universe gives you peace and creates a life filled with love and kindness, then in my opinion it leads you down a road I’d like to go on. But if how you think generates animosity, fear, anxiety, or other states, then it’s not a road I desire to go on. I didn’t bother debating this guy about science bc I was honestly just interested to hear his story. I thanked him for an awesome juice. Strange thing happened: when I went back to buy another juice, his stand was gone, like he had vanished.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



