キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月19日 00時45分

Challenging poses are amazing mirrors of our deepest darkness. How you respond to adversity tests the mettle of your soul. Do you fight back and claw at anything you feel threatened by? Do you try and desperately hold to things that don’t flow? Or do you cultivate an attitude or surrender and learn to let things go when they’ve run their course? These questions are at the heart of the journey of yoga. It’s not about the pose, it’s about what you learn as a human being, as a spirit, on the path of practice.
This week’s #YogiAssignment is Patience. When you feel your hip isn’t open, practice being patient. Don’t quit on the process of opening your hip, but don’t force it or get mad it because it isn’t open. Just look with open eyes and observe that your hips aren’t open. When you try repeatedly and unsuccessfully to press up into handstand, practice being patient. Don’t give up, accept the reality that it isn’t happening today and move on with the full faith that when it’s meant to happen it will.
Read the full blog on my website here:
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XO ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @ifilmyoga


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