キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月9日 06時42分

My four tips steps to success:
1. Identify your goal
2. Focus with precision and tenacity
3. Have faith, turn it over and let it all go.
4. Repeat for as many times as it takes, no matter how long it takes.
Which step are you missing? Answer in the comments below. ⚡
For me, number 3. I was missing faith. It never really felt good or right for me to simply think that the universe or life in general would sort itself. I needed to have a relationship with a Higher Power to finally believe. It was like I needed to meet the Creator of the universe firsthand before I was willing to trust that the Divine plan really was all unfolding in my favor. But after I did, everything changed. Not only did I have faith strong enough to turn it all over, but I was able to change my operating system. Since I now saw life from a place of love and trust, all anxiety lifted and a deep peace took up residence. Happiness and joy worked their magic and my vibration literally changed. Everything became ease and flow. Faith. It made all the difference for me. Not just faith in anything, but faith in the highest, truest, brightest and most Divine sense. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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