キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月20日 12時11分

Day 20 #backtobackbends is Dropping Back into Urdhva Dhanurasana. Don't worry if you can't do it yet, go for hang backs. Send the hips forward and create space between the joints of the spine. Keep the hands in prayer or extend the arms. Stay and breathe while keeping the quads firm and the pelvic floor engaged. Don't think that because you see me doing these today that this was easy for me. When I first started I hit my head more times that I can remember. I've been practicing for 15 years and I put in the work every day, whether I am tired, sore, sick, injured, bored, inspired, happy, sad, sleepy, rested, whatever, I get on my mat and practice. That's the magic key. Do it 1,000 times and you'll just crack the surface of the depth of this practice. Check my YouTube channel for lots of tutorials. Check @beachyogagirl for another option. Outfit by @ALO Yoga Video be @ifilmyoga


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