キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月27日 08時04分

One of the most important parts about the yoga path is having friends that support your journey. Going on a yoga retreat or making the trip to join an intensive course of study opens your heart to the new soul connections of spiritual friends. Even though some yoga friends may be long distance the soul connection makes them always close at heart and you can reach out to them in times of need. In really simple terms you need someone to talk to when you start making the changes that follow the yoga path and everyone else thinks you're crazy. I can't remember how many times I've had someone ask me why we have to put our leg behind the head anyway, it's perfectly happy where it is, or why does Ashtanga need to be so disciplined and can't we just have fun and do what we want instead of surrendering to a teacher, or why do you have to practice so early in India (believe me it's not my preference and I'm writing this in a sleepy haze after waking up at 3:45 am Mysore time for my first day of practice at the shala!). Doubt is an insidious shadow that surreptitiously creeps up on you. You need your yoga friends to build up your faith until it's the kind of unshakable faith born from direct experience of the highest truth. #practiceandalliscoming #onebreathatatime Photo by @alesigismondi


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