キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月27日 00時45分

Only by surrendering yourself fully can you be lead to experiences which are beyond your control. As humans we have many short comings, but one of the hardest to deal with is our fear of losing control. This is the ego that latches on and thinks it needs to be in the driver's seat in order to accomplish things. But if you succeed from that space it will only build your pride and keep you further away from the truth. So life will not let you succeed until you surrender. The great paradox of ego is that as long as it rules you, it won't get what it wants but as soon as you let go and surrender you immediately get access to a wealth of spirit that the ego cannot even fathom. Let go of your ego's plan and follow God's plan. But don't trust me on blind faith, test it out in small doses and see what works better, your ego's will or God's will. I have a feeling I know what the answer will be, but try it out and tell me how it goes ? #practiceandalliscoming #onebreathatatime Wearing: @ALO Yoga


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