キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月13日 03時00分

Yoga is an inner purification, the asanas are merely tools that drop your mind down into the center of yourself. Often what pops up along the inner journey is not always peaceful and happy. But only by going through these places of difficulty will we find any real, lasting peace. You cannot run away from your problems, you can bury the emotions that you would rather not face. Instead, be brave, be strong as you keep your mind steady even as it faces intense obstacles. Don't be surprised if deep backbends like Kapotasana bring your right to the edge of your comfort zone and get your whole nervous system firing like crazy. When, not if, but when that happens surrender into the discipline with a devotional heart and you will find your freedom. #BeStrong #practiceandalliscoming #onebreathatatime


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