キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月18日 22時32分

Love more every day. Make it your mission to see the world through the eyes of infinite love. When you meet a kindred spirit along the path of life don't hold back, open your heart to them and watch the love grow. Is there someone in your life now that you've been distant from even though you love them dearly? Are you holding a grudge, feeling resentment or caught in fear? All it takes is a moment of surrender and you can be free of it all. Don't wait for someone else to change to love them. Take the bold step of loving them right now with all their imperfections, with all the good and the bad and let your love be so big and fierce that it can contain all the pleasure and pain of this world. Let love be all that really matters because life is so much shorter and more precious than we realize. It can be gone in the blind of an eye. Now is really all there is, so don't wait another instant, be the love you already are. This post is dedicated to my friend @beachyogagirl who just lost her puppy Max, please send her some love and healing.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



