キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月7日 23時25分

Gratitude has its own magic and can help your mind drop into the present moment. Make a list of the ten things in your life that you are most thankful for. Be sure to include some aspects about your body and yourself. Count the blessings that you already have and take a moment to relish them in the here and now. If you accomplished something major recently stop and appreciate how far you have come instead of just immediately orienting towards the next goal. Running for the next thing is easy. Pretending that you don’t care is even easier. Breathing in the present moment in a state of total acceptance and gratitude is the best way to embrace life fully. ? Photo take by me on my @gopro (you can see the shadow of the camera if you look closely) Outfit by @onzie


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