キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月9日 15時28分

Do you recognize the location of this sunrise in Russia? It's just outside the Red Square. The magic of yoga is not always in the most advanced asanas, just like the magic of life is not always in the peaks. Instead, it is the casual moments of intimacy that bring us closer to each other, the magic of a hug or a smile to share a little love and joy with eachother that makes meaning in life. The pattern of the basic asanas sets the foundation for technique and alignment in more advanced ones, focusing on healthy technique in the asanas that you repeat the most in the vinyasas will teach you how to go deeper in more advanced asanas and more importantly how to be present in the small moments of every day life. It's easy to take things that you do often for granted and harder to stop and truly appreciate all the love that you do have in your life. Yoga has the power to open and strengthen your mind and your heart so that you experience every moment as fresh, every sunrise as the new dawn that it is, every person in your life in all their beauty and wholeness. Kindness and compassion are the true gifts of a lifetime of yoga practice. Photo by @notwizard13 @ashtangamoscow


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