トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 9月13日 17時14分

Rate this blue sky out of 10 for me please? 💙 Then click the link in my bio to see more of me 🔥 Today I’d like to speak about grounding because it’s something that has such great significance and meaning to me. Born and raised in the beautiful British countryside I’m a barefoot, messy hair, tree-climbing kind of girl and thrive on nature and freedom. We often make the mistake of having the mentality that we are broken and helpless whenever bad things happen to us or we experience suffering, when in actual fact we should switch our mindset to approach the very same scenarios as “I am growing and healing because of this” and life will elevate accordingly. When you make peace with yourself as a person, recognise your worth and have the ability to treat others with love and positivity for the beautiful individuals that they are everything falls into place. You can dress up, put on makeup, do your hair, get a tan, wear heels, perfume and everything else that you need to feel your very best and desirable to others OR you can kick off your shoes, wash your face, bare your soul along with every perfectly placed imperfection that makes you an individual and be accepted by the true souls who see you for who you really are, no holds barred. If you stop running from yourself you will start to learn what true love really is 🙏🏼 #takemeasiam #whatyouseeiswhatyouget #countrygirl #selfacceptance #iamenough


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