キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月13日 07時32分

Every now and again it’s nice to have a day where nothing gets done, where you sleep in a bit too long and are just generally unproductive. It’s hard for me to accept it, but those days where things seem to stagnate are not wasted. Far from it, it’s all part of the balance of life. Taking rest is a vital component of health.
Sometimes I meet people that tell me I should try and reduce the hours of sleep I need so I can be more productive. I’ve had people tell me that it would be better if I only slept three hours a night. While I’m not saying it doesn’t work for them. I can that for myself, I wholeheartedly disagree. I like a good night’s sleep, a full eight hours if possible. Now, of course, it’s not always possible and having the luxury of getting eight hours is certainly a privilege (I don’t have to two jobs and clock in and out, even though I’m almost always working)..
Everything sleeps and everything rests. I’m good at sleeping and I’m getting better at allowing myself to rest.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @ifilmyoga
Wearing @omstarsofficial x @liquidoactive ?


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