キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月2日 07時16分

All I want to do right now is walk off into the sunset and let everything come full circle. Sooner or later it all makes sense, it all falls into place. The big picture isn’t always easy to see but it moves forward like the plot of really good story. You might not understand today, right now, from where you see it may seem like it’s all falling apart. But one day, maybe not as far as you think, one day you’ll catch that glimmer of wisdom, you will hear the music in your heart and you’ll get it. The world is a benevolent place and everything is as it should be, not just the bliss, but the struggle too. You are supported by the universe in ways that are so big that you cannot even imagine. You are loved by a force that is grander and more powerful than all your problems. Do you believe? It’s your faith that makes it all true.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @yoandyvidal
Do you recognize the beach from @omstarsofficial ?
This week has been incredible! I’ve share Ashtanga Yoga with a small committed group of students who traveled from all over the world to join my Mysore Retreat in Miami. I am overwhelmed by the depth of their practice. Space is filling up for my next one week Mysore Retreat in Miami, March 18-23. Come practice with me @miamilifecenter ?


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