キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月27日 07時07分

So much of life is spent searching, striving, fixing, planning. So little spent being. There is timeless eternality in every moment, but you have to pause long enough to sense it. Today, just for a few breaths I encourage you to close you eyes and tap into the profound stillness under all things.
No matter how problematic or stressful it may seem right now, there is a depth of peace running as an undercurrent. No matter how divisive and polarized it might feel, the yearning for a kinder, more joyful world lives in every heart. No matter how stuck and hopeless it appears, there is a promise of peace that will one day overcome everything else. You can feel it, hidden in the burning embers of sunset, in the wind beneath the wings of birds, in the delicate texture of flower petals and in whispers of clouds on the lips of the earth.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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