If you measure success by how enthusiastic people seem you might end up in a destructive loop. Chasing public approval or a particular response places your happiness in someone else’s hands. And yet, to exist in the material world requires a certain amount of people to support you. It seems like a paradox, but there’s a solution. _ Think about this—you run a falafel shop (maybe I’m thinking about this bc I’m standing next to a restaurant called Hummus Factory). Let’s say you have an old family recipe for a unique falafel that no one else knows about. But when you propose to put it on the menu, everyone protests and people don’t order it because they haven’t heard of it. Even though you know it’s amazing, people just keep ordering the traditional recipe and you can’t convince them otherwise. What do you do? Do you bend to public interest and remove your prized menu item? Or, do you stick out in full faith that sooner or later enough people will try your secret recipe and fall in love? _ I say stick out. But in order to walk that path you need a lot of faith in yourself and in the universe to support you. If you wager in your belief and bend to what appears to be public enthusiasm for the known and lack of enthusiasm for the unknown, you may end up losing your soul, especially if what makes your heart sing gets canceled or voted down. _ We each have a place that doubts if what we desire is meant to be and wonders if we are worthy of the success we seek. Whether it’s a five-star rated falafel, a happy marriage, or financial security, doubt seeps in and sabotages our plans. It happens to me all the time. I doubt whether I’m making an impact, whether I’m relevant, whether I will break through to my big picture dreams. When that voice comes up, I listen, because I believe there’s a wound there that needs to be healed. What I usually find if I tune in deeply enough is a little girl whose beauty and power scares people and triggers them to the point where they want to shut her down. It happened to me as a kid when I wanted to be on stage and the directors of the acting camp told me to be “less of a star”. Today, to them I say, watch me shine. ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月11日 04時53分

If you measure success by how enthusiastic people seem you might end up in a destructive loop. Chasing public approval or a particular response places your happiness in someone else’s hands. And yet, to exist in the material world requires a certain amount of people to support you. It seems like a paradox, but there’s a solution.
Think about this—you run a falafel shop (maybe I’m thinking about this bc I’m standing next to a restaurant called Hummus Factory). Let’s say you have an old family recipe for a unique falafel that no one else knows about. But when you propose to put it on the menu, everyone protests and people don’t order it because they haven’t heard of it. Even though you know it’s amazing, people just keep ordering the traditional recipe and you can’t convince them otherwise. What do you do? Do you bend to public interest and remove your prized menu item? Or, do you stick out in full faith that sooner or later enough people will try your secret recipe and fall in love?
I say stick out. But in order to walk that path you need a lot of faith in yourself and in the universe to support you. If you wager in your belief and bend to what appears to be public enthusiasm for the known and lack of enthusiasm for the unknown, you may end up losing your soul, especially if what makes your heart sing gets canceled or voted down.
We each have a place that doubts if what we desire is meant to be and wonders if we are worthy of the success we seek. Whether it’s a five-star rated falafel, a happy marriage, or financial security, doubt seeps in and sabotages our plans. It happens to me all the time. I doubt whether I’m making an impact, whether I’m relevant, whether I will break through to my big picture dreams. When that voice comes up, I listen, because I believe there’s a wound there that needs to be healed. What I usually find if I tune in deeply enough is a little girl whose beauty and power scares people and triggers them to the point where they want to shut her down. It happened to me as a kid when I wanted to be on stage and the directors of the acting camp told me to be “less of a star”. Today, to them I say, watch me shine. ?

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