キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月7日 06時41分

I am both sensitive and strong. I was driving home today after a 90 minute sweaty practice and I cried while listening to a song by the Dixie Chicks. It’s almost embarrassing to write that. Lol.
But it’s real. So what if I’m in an arm balance, my strength comes from my vulnerability. I’m not about to lie and say I’m ok when I’m not. It was a difficult morning, for a number of reasons. My trauma response was activated and I had to give myself a time out and deploy all my self-care techniques to return to a calm state and not lose it in total panic. Just because I’m a long term yogi doesn’t mean I’m perfect, or that I don’t have days when I’m triggered or moments when I’m sad. What it means that I’m committed to doing the work, learning the lesson. The practice means that I’ll always have enough strength and faith to keep going, to not give up, to pick myself back up and try again. It’s practice not perfection.
If you feel you’ll never lift up in Bakasana, believe me, I really understand. This pose was and still is hard for me! Watch today’s tutorial with my all new Second Series practice course on @omstarsofficial here—
https://omstars.com/ashtanga-challenge and get my tips and drills for Bakasana, Day 6 of the challenge.
Outfit is my design by @liquidoactive
Photo @freexmoney @b.lvvk
#ashtanga #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #omstarsashtangachallenge


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