キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月31日 03時30分

Hello Istanbul ?
You know I love my fruit! And I have already been eating fresh figs, which I love because they’re hard to find in Miami. These were so juicy that they melted in my mouth. Is it possible to eat too many figs?
I popped a bunch of soft large red berries in my mouth only to find out after that they were fresh cranberries, which I’ve never tasted before. They were surprisingly sweet. Then I took a giant bite of what looked like a mini-apple. I have no idea what it was—does anyone know? I’ll post it in stories. Tell me if you know what this fruit is called.
I’ve also had amazing freshly squeezed orange juice, strawberries, and grapes. I’ve eaten beans, cooked greens, zucchini, and some dessert that tasted like oranges and tahini. I want to try the green figs tomorrow! Everyone says they will try and feed you non-stop in Turkey. Well, I’d say they are succeeding.
So.... What else do I absolutely need to do, try and eat while I’m here? Hamam? Shopping? Vegan eats? Sights to see? What do I need to know about Istanbul?
But the biggest question is—can I find a vegan baklava?!
And please come practice with me this weekend @dreamyogaevents in Istanbul. This event is going to be really special, I can feel it already! ??


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