グッゲンハイム美術館のインスタグラム(guggenheim) - 5月9日 00時27分

To conclude this series of posts, I want to share two works that I was introduced to during our trip that strongly resonated with me, and made me reflect upon the nature of an “encounter,” and hope they might resonate with you as well. These works tackle arguably the most daunting subject matter conceivable—perceptible accounts of the “universe,” the cosmic body, and soul. The first work is an eleven-meter ink on paper scroll by the Beijing-based artist Hao Liang. Titled “Streams and Mountains without End,” as the scroll is slowly unraveled, a realm of intermingling “worlds” is revealed. Within the scroll are interweaving atmospheres; abstractions; landscapes; figures, both earthly and divine. The second work “163,000 light years,” by Tomás Saraceno (@studiotomassaraceno) also pushes our limits of the physical and the mental. Hope you enjoyed this takeover—to infinity and beyond! And if you’re in Spain, be sure to check out “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World,” opening on May 11.—@xzhunowell
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