グッゲンハイム美術館のインスタグラム(guggenheim) - 5月8日 06時30分

Artist Liu Dan’s studio exudes refined elegance, and is truly a space designed for serious contemplation. Extremely tidy, well organized, and well lit; his studio could easily fit into an architectural design magazine. A master painter, he is continually looking for ways to push his skill in working with ink. In the studio, Liu Dan showed me around different workstations, giving insight into his creative and technical processes—cultivating an environment that is very disciplined. To me, one of the most fascinating parts of his studio is his various “collections” of objects, which include mostly rare books, antiquities, and other works of art (such as drawings and prints). Of particular note was Liu Dan’s collection of things from the Renaissance period; highlights include an original Raphael drawing (4th image), however, for me, one of the most precious of his collections was a cluster of small cut outs from old magazines of Western paintings (5th image). For artists of Liu Dan’s generation, the first time they encountered Western paintings was through certain magazines, and he’s kept these initial mementos of exchange with him throughout his prolific career.—@xzhunowell #GuggenheimTravel #ArtAndChina #Guggenheim #LiuDan #GuggenheimTakeover


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