Practice is the great equalizer, the place where your heart gets laid bare. The mind can trick, fool and even believe it’s own lies. But the body is always transparent and honest. The body can never lie. Asana is a tool to feel the body, not force the body into shapes. _ Extreme ableism does not make you a yogi. Poses are not circus tricks. I have been practicing these asanas for 20 years as part of the Ashtanga Yoga method. What I share is an honest reflection of where I am, mentally, physically, spiritually. _ According to Patañjali Yoga Sūtra 1.14, a firm foundation in yoga is defined by 3 things— 1. Commitment to the practice over a long time with many years of unwavering dedication, that is, in Sanskrit, Dirga Kala 2. Continuity of practice on and off the mat. Not only must you do the asanas regularly but you are also asked to translate the lessons learned on your mat to your life. This is, in Sanskrit, Nairantarya. 3. Your intention when you practice matters. You have to yearn for the spiritual realization and be a sincere seeker. This, in Sanskrit is called, Satkara. _ So many people assume that those who are naturally strong or flexible are accomplished yogis. Some people practice for physical ends, to get that perfect pose, to perfect their bodies. But traditionally, yoga is something else entirely. Asana is a tool for spiritual development. Nothing more. It is a means to an much higher end. If you get stuck in poses and the physicality of it all then you miss the heart and soul of the practice. But what’s more, you may never build a solid foundation for the inner work of asana. _ I’ve seen amazingly talented students quickly get elevated due to their physical ability. I’ve seen some of the most qualified yogis overlooked because they didn’t look the part (older, not ideal body, no yoga tricks in their bag). And I’ve seen some people with truly gifted bodies walk away from the practice even though they could do almost anything. What I’ve learned is that it’s not about the pose. Yoga is SO much more. It’s not about what you wear. It’s about what you learn on the mat and how you apply those lessons to change your world. _ #notagoddess #freedana

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キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月31日 01時29分

Practice is the great equalizer, the place where your heart gets laid bare. The mind can trick, fool and even believe it’s own lies. But the body is always transparent and honest. The body can never lie. Asana is a tool to feel the body, not force the body into shapes.
Extreme ableism does not make you a yogi. Poses are not circus tricks. I have been practicing these asanas for 20 years as part of the Ashtanga Yoga method. What I share is an honest reflection of where I am, mentally, physically, spiritually.
According to Patañjali Yoga Sūtra 1.14, a firm foundation in yoga is defined by 3 things—
1. Commitment to the practice over a long time with many years of unwavering dedication, that is, in Sanskrit, Dirga Kala
2. Continuity of practice on and off the mat. Not only must you do the asanas regularly but you are also asked to translate the lessons learned on your mat to your life. This is, in Sanskrit, Nairantarya.
3. Your intention when you practice matters. You have to yearn for the spiritual realization and be a sincere seeker. This, in Sanskrit is called, Satkara.
So many people assume that those who are naturally strong or flexible are accomplished yogis. Some people practice for physical ends, to get that perfect pose, to perfect their bodies. But traditionally, yoga is something else entirely. Asana is a tool for spiritual development. Nothing more. It is a means to an much higher end. If you get stuck in poses and the physicality of it all then you miss the heart and soul of the practice. But what’s more, you may never build a solid foundation for the inner work of asana.
I’ve seen amazingly talented students quickly get elevated due to their physical ability. I’ve seen some of the most qualified yogis overlooked because they didn’t look the part (older, not ideal body, no yoga tricks in their bag). And I’ve seen some people with truly gifted bodies walk away from the practice even though they could do almost anything. What I’ve learned is that it’s not about the pose. Yoga is SO much more. It’s not about what you wear. It’s about what you learn on the mat and how you apply those lessons to change your world.
#notagoddess #freedana


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