キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月8日 03時52分

As a yogi you have to be willing to do things that sometimes feel uncomfortable. You have to be strong enough to take a risk. Honesty is one of the key tenets of the yoga path. Satya. It’s a discipline of mind, body and spirit.
The truth will set you free. If there’s something you’re keeping inside it will eat you up. While we all have secrets, holding too much inside can cause an implosion. Asking others to keep your secrets can cause an explosion. The best policy: keep no secrets. Be totally transparent, especially when you’re a little afraid to. Take a stand and let your actions speak your truth.
Every time I’m about to share something and I think I shouldn’t that’s when I know I really should. Whenever I think I can’t put all my cards on the table, that’s exactly when I need to.
Day 4 #UpsideDownIsComingToTown is the Dolphin Pose. I love to see you practicing with @upsidedownmama on @omstarsofficial ? Keep sharing your journey.
Leggings by @umstuff Photo by @ifilmyoga
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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