How long would you fight for something before you gave up? Imagine if it took your entire life to achieve your dreams. Would you stay the course? My heroes are always people who defied the odds and overcame great obstacles. I rarely find inspiration from people who just seem to have everything handed to them on their first try. You know the "lucky" ones that don't seem to have to work for anything. I mean, I'll do my inner work and find a place where I'm happy for them. But for me, the real beauty is in the strength it takes to overcome difficulty, to break down the walls that lock you in, and to rise up a winner in the end when the odds are stacked against you from the start. I cheer for the underdog who ultimately triumphs through dogged perseverance. I like the stories of people who draw upon seemingly supernatural faith to keep going when every sign seems to indicate they should quit. Can you think of someone like this? Say what you want about a person but if they've accomplished something truly great and dedicated their life to it, you have to respect their effort at the very least. Perhaps because I identify with the underdog, I tend to think, if they could do it, if they could accomplish their goals with all they faced, maybe I can too. You might see me in a handstand on a beautiful beach in Thailand and think I have it easy. Well, I take nothing for granted and I have done nothing but work for this for my entire life. And honestly, more people have told me no thanks, than yes, that would be awesome. More people turned me down for something I dreamed of than I can even bother to remember. I've been passed over for more reasons than I can remember. The perfect orchestration of events that allowed for this handstand on the beach to happen took years. And even this is just the beginning. The lesson: whatever you dream of, go and get it. Never give up, no matter how long it takes. Find inspiration in others, but always believe in yourself. ? . #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月9日 23時04分

How long would you fight for something before you gave up? Imagine if it took your entire life to achieve your dreams. Would you stay the course? My heroes are always people who defied the odds and overcame great obstacles. I rarely find inspiration from people who just seem to have everything handed to them on their first try. You know the "lucky" ones that don't seem to have to work for anything. I mean, I'll do my inner work and find a place where I'm happy for them. But for me, the real beauty is in the strength it takes to overcome difficulty, to break down the walls that lock you in, and to rise up a winner in the end when the odds are stacked against you from the start. I cheer for the underdog who ultimately triumphs through dogged perseverance. I like the stories of people who draw upon seemingly supernatural faith to keep going when every sign seems to indicate they should quit. Can you think of someone like this? Say what you want about a person but if they've accomplished something truly great and dedicated their life to it, you have to respect their effort at the very least. Perhaps because I identify with the underdog, I tend to think, if they could do it, if they could accomplish their goals with all they faced, maybe I can too. You might see me in a handstand on a beautiful beach in Thailand and think I have it easy. Well, I take nothing for granted and I have done nothing but work for this for my entire life. And honestly, more people have told me no thanks, than yes, that would be awesome. More people turned me down for something I dreamed of than I can even bother to remember. I've been passed over for more reasons than I can remember. The perfect orchestration of events that allowed for this handstand on the beach to happen took years. And even this is just the beginning. The lesson: whatever you dream of, go and get it. Never give up, no matter how long it takes. Find inspiration in others, but always believe in yourself. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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