キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月3日 14時24分

The world around you is the world within. What you experience in your life is a reflection of what's in your heart. Inner peace can only be found inside your own heart. You hold the keys to unlocking a new life filled with light and love. I may live in a yoga bubble, but that bubble is of my own creation. I used to walk around in a bubble of misery, and that was also my choice, although unconsciously. When I reclaimed the driver's seat in my life story I finally realized that I didn't anyone to change before I could be happy. Only I needed to change. Two people can have the exact same experience and react to it with radical difference. Would you rather be the one at peace or at war? Stories have power and create meaning. What story do you tell about yourself and your world? Think it through because it matters, you matter, maybe much more than you realize. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Teaching in Dubai all weekend. Details and booking with @joumanayoga


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