キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月26日 10時36分

Day 26 #MayIBeginYoga2016. Today's practice is a full 30 minute session building all the way up to Reverse Plank so don't miss it. Called Purvattanasana in Sanskrit, this powerful pose is a perfect mix between strength and flexibility. Roll the shoulders internally and allow the trapezius muscles to come up to support the neck. Lift the sternum and expand the chest. Draw the lower belly in and be extra-careful to keep it sucked in during inhalation. Internally rotate the highs, send the hips up and forward and point the feet. ?
Are you still practicing? Leave me a comment on YouTube after you join the practice there (link to Day 26 video in bio). ?

Check with @beachyogagirl for her video today.
Outfit by @omstarsapparel by @liquidoactive Winners get prizes from our awesome new line!

Photo by @ifilmyoga


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